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一、Science Citation Index (SCI) 基本知识

二、Impact factor (IF) 基本知识

1、    标题 (Title)

2、    摘要 (Abstract)

3、    导言 (Introduction)

4、    实验和方法 (Experiments and methods)

5、    结果 (Results) 

6、    讨论 (Discussion)

7、    致谢 (Acknowledgements)

8、    参考文献 (References)

9、    图说明 (Figure Legends)


一、Science Citation Index (SCI)基本知识

1、科学引文索引(Science Citation Index, SCI)

1873年,著名Shepard's引用是规范引用的方法之一。1960年,Eugene Garfield's科学情报研究所在杂志上发表第一部引用索引论文,该引用索引最先开始应用于引文索引(Science Citation Index,SCI),随后扩展到社会科学引文索引(Social Sciences Citation Index,SSCI)和艺术与人文科学引文索引(Arts and Humanities Citation Index, AHCI)。截至2006年,出现了众多其他数据来源,例如谷歌学术搜索,这些学术搜索侧重于统计覆盖100个学科3700个世界领先科技期刊的基本数据,从而克服了信息超载。

1960年,科学情报研究所(Institute for Scientific Information, ISI)于编制了SCI,该研究所目前为美国汤姆森所有。网络版科学引文索引(增强版科学引文索引)涵盖6400世界领先的科学和技术类期刊,其中绝大多数为英语期刊。用户可通过知识网中科学数据库网在线使用这些资源。(光盘版和印刷版覆盖期刊较网络版少)。通过网络版数据库,用户可以检索出任何特定的论文被其后的那些论文所引用,或任何特定作者的论文被引用,甚至可以知道哪些是被引用频率最高论文。(图书馆支付金额决定其用户实际使用网络版科学引文索引的年限)。


1965年,在一篇经典论文中,Derek J. de Solla Price阐述了SCI作为科学论文网络的内在特征。当互联网上开始公布SCI时,引用和被引用之间呈动态关系。1972年,社会科学引文索引成为首批加载到对话系统中的数据库之一。随着CD - ROM的发展,网络和论文检索之间的连接变得更加紧密,通过使用书目耦合(M. M. Kessler)即能够查找所需相关的记录。1973年,Henry Small的关于联席引文分析的经典著作出版,联席引文分析是一个自我组织的分类系统,其引领了文档聚类实验,并最终形成科学图集,即后来所谓的科学研究评论。

SCI 还发行了一份公布期刊名称的目录文件,称为专题选粹服务(SDI),在以个人化需求为导向的基础上定期更新文献检索,通过广泛使用该项服务,从而紧跟文献发展进程。1965年,SDI与SCI结合使引文引用首次可以经过自动主题引文提示完成,该引文提示已有ISI个人电子版;并且,目前几乎所有文献数据库和大部分的电子期刊均具有该功能。SCI/ SSCI 不仅包括传统的自然语言检索,还包括作者和引文检索。因此,用户可以通过作者,论文或书籍引用搜索任何新的论文。并可通过使用杂志名称,获得个性化的目录网页。

1965年, Drexel 大学的Ralph Garner阐述了学术论文的内在特征与全球引文网络固有的图形拓扑性质。19世纪前期,通过引用计量将期刊进行分类,现行的科学期刊系统计量方法是由科学信息研究所的Eugene Garfield开创的针对科技期刊的一种测量系统,通过引文数来排名期刊,同时率先通过使用这些计量方法将作者和论文进行排名。1965年,在一份具有里程碑意义的论文中,Garfield和Irving Sher通过对一系列诺贝尔及其他奖项论文进行研究后,阐述了引文频次与卓越性之间的相关性,例如,诺贝尔奖获得者发表论文数量5倍于平均水平,并且他们的论文被引用频率也是平均水平的30至50倍。影响因子是常用的衡量期刊影响力的方法,某期刊前两年所有文章被引用的次数除以前两年该期刊所有文章数量即为这年该期刊的影响因子。由于特定目的,该种衡量方式被广泛使用,但单独通过这种方法对作者或论文进行排名,还具有一定的争议性。

1964年,在关于DNA发展的早期研究中,通过引文分析,Garfield和Sher开始史料編纂法的研发工作,是科学历史上最重要的历程。这项工作后来由E. Garfield,海洋生物学研究所的A. I. Pudovkin、俄罗斯科学院、教学中心、伊斯托明和华盛顿州立大学展开,并在2002年成功开发了HistCite软件。

1998年,Giles, Lawrence和Bollacker推出独立引文索引,并启用针对任何数字学术和科学文献引用的自动提取与组合算法。以往的引文是一个手动过程,并且只提供给那些特定的组织使用,如中央情报局。而现在,普通用户也可以通过电脑进行任何学术领域、科学领域、文献领域的引文萃取,这致使需要建立新的公共系统和自动引文索引,最早的自动引文索引是CiteSeer(其后为CiteSeerX,Cora),最新为Rexa。这些自动引文索引主要集中在计算机和信息科学领域,但都被后来大规模的学术网域引文系统替代,如谷歌学术和以前的微软学术。经过仔细的抽样统计,这种自主引文索引存在约10%误码率,故其在引文聚类提取方面尚不完善。这就造成了诸如Ann Arbor, Milton Keynes和Walton Hall等被误认为具有大量的学术著作。同时,应该指出的是,SCI旨在通过纯粹的程序方法甚至是以前的记载来创建自动引文索引的做法具有相似程度的误差。


SCI期刊医学论文主要组成部分:标题 (Title)、摘要 (Abstract)、导言 (Introduction)、实验和方法 (Experiments and methods)、结果 (Results)、讨论 (Discussion)、致谢 (Acknowledgements)、参考文献 (References)、图说明 (Figure Legends)等。各种SCI期刊对医学论文主要组成部分稍有差异。






1、         SCI期刊医学论文标题 (Title)




C1 inhibitor prevents endotoxin shock via a direct interaction with lipopolysaccharide (From Journal of Immunology). 



C1 inhibitor-mediated protection from sepsis. (From Journal of Immunology)

2、         摘要 (Abstract)




C1 inhibitor (C1INH) is beneficial in animal models of endotoxemia and sepsis. However, the mechanism(s) of C1INH protection remain(s) ill-defined. (From Journal of Immunology)




To further characterize the potential LPS-binding site(s) within the amino-terminal domain, mutations were introduced into C1INH at the three N-linked glycosylation sites and at the four positively charged amino acid residues. (From Infection and Immunity)




In this study, we demonstrated that both active C1INH and reactive center-cleaved, inactive C1INH protected mice from lethal Gram-negative endotoxemia.  Both forms of C1INH blocked the LPS-binding protein-dependent binding ofSalmonella typhimurium LPS to the murine macrophage cell line, RAW 264.7, and suppressed LPS-induced TNF-a mRNA expression.  Inhibition of LPS binding to RAW 264.7 cells was reversed with anti-C1INH Ab and was more efficient when C1INH was incubated first with LPS rather than with the cells. C1INH also suppressed LPS-induced up-regulation of TNF-a mRNA in whole human blood.  The interaction of C1INH with LPS was directly demonstrated both by ELISA and by non-denaturing PAGE, but deletion of the amino-terminal 97-aa residues abrogated this binding.  (From Journal of Immunology)



In this study, we first identified that a cleaved fragment within the major part of the amino-terminal domain in in vitroproteolytic analysis of C1INH had an ability to bind to LPS.  We synthesized several peptides overlapping the C1INH cleaved fragment.  Among these synthetic peptides, a 13-mer derivative peptide at position from 18 to 30, named N2(18–30), exhibited the most powerful anti-endotoxin activity in vitro, enlightening that it was most strong at binding to LPS, inhibiting the interaction of LPS with LPS-binding protein (LBP), blocking LPS binding to CD14+ cells, and suppressing production of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a by murine macrophages, RAW 264.7. In the murine endotoxin shock model, the peptide N2(18–30) protected mice from LPS-induced lethal septic shock by inhibiting macrophage activation.  (Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications)




Therefore, these studies demonstrate that C1INH, in addition to its role in suppression of LPS-mediated macrophage activation, may play an important role in the prevention of LPS-mediated increased vascular permeability, endothelial cell injury, and multiple organ failure.  (From Blood)


3、 导言 (Introduction)



标题是C1 inhibitor prevents endotoxin shock via a direct interaction with lipopolysaccharide


第一段落:描述gram negative bacterial lipopolysaccharide 的医学生物学功能和它与Endotoxin shock的关系.


Lipopolysaccharide is a major constituent of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria and is a key molecule in the pathogenesis of Gram-negative endotoxemia, sepsis, and septic shock (1).  Gram-negative endotoxemia is accompanied by contact system activation, complement activation, production of cytokines, and other evidence of unregulated inflammatory responses (2, 3).  LPS activates mononuclear phagocytes to produce and release inflammatory mediators, of which TNF-a appears to be very important for the development of endotoxin shock (4). LPS interacts with the LPS-binding protein (LBP) (4) and transfers LPS to CD14 (5– 8).  The formation of LPS-CD14 complexes initiates intracellular signaling by binding to Toll-like receptors expressed on mononuclear phagocytes and other cells (9).  When pure LPS or bacterial outer membrane fragments are injected into the bloodstream, a large fraction of the LPS is cleared by the liver within 10 min (10, 11), whereas most of the remaining LPS binds rapidly to plasma proteins, such as lipoproteins, which inhibit its biologic activity (12–15). (From Journal of Immunology)


第二段落:描述已得出的结论即C1 inhibitor的医学生物学功能和它与炎症的关系。


C1 inhibitor (C1INH) is the only inhibitor of the classical complement pathway proteases, C1r and C1s (16), and is the major inhibitor of factor XII and prekallikrein of the contact system (17, 18).  The complement system has been implicated in both the pathogenesis of, and protection from, endotoxin shock (19). The contact system also appears to play a role in the mediation of septic shock (20). Levels of proteolytically inactivated C1INH are increased in fatal septic shock, which suggests an increased turnover and a relative secondary deficiency of biologically active C1INH (21). C1INH can be inactivated by limited proteolytic cleavage by elastase released from activated neutrophils (19, 22). The inactivation of C1INH may occur locally in inflamed tissue and thereby contribute to increased local complement activation (22).  The direct biologic effects, if any, of inactivated C1INH remain unknown.  Therapy with C1INH has been shown to improve outcome in several animal models of sepsis (19, 23–27). In addition, preliminary data suggest that C1INH may have beneficial effects in septic shock in humans (19).  (From Journal of Immunology)




In this study, we demonstrated that native, active C1INH and reactive center-cleaved, inactive C1INH (iC1INH) protected mice from lethal Gram-negative endotoxemia.  This protection was associated with inhibition of LPS-triggered macrophage expression of TNF-a mRNA. Furthermore, C1INH interacts directly with LPS, and this binding appears to be a function of the amino-terminal mucin domain of the protein. These data provide evidence that C1INH, in addition to its function as a serine protease inhibitor, serves as an anti-inflammatory effector via this new mechanism.  (From Journal of Immunology)


4、             实验和方法 (Experiments and methods)


Quantification of F-actin pool by spectrofluorometry

F-actin in HUVECs was measured by spectrofluorometry as described ( Chakravortty et al., 2000).  HUVECs (1×10

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